Friday, February 16, 2018

On Hold

A month back, I shared that we were getting ready for our next embryo transfer. We were just starting the process to add to our family. 

I had it all planned out (in true Justine fashion) and expected a Valentine's Day transfer. After blood work came back, we knew my hyperthyroidism was out of remission and expected a delay.

I'm not a medical professional but I can explain it the way I understand...hyperthyroidism (also known as Graves Disease) is when your thyroid is overactive and produces too much of a hormone called thyroxine. It increases my heart rate and metabolism. If not regulated during pregnancy, hyperthyroidism increases the chances of miscarriage, preterm labor, low fetal birth weight, and pregnancy induced hypertension. 

After meeting with my endocrynologist and reviewing my levels, I was put on medication that is not safe for pregnancy. There are medications that are safe to take while pregnant but some are known to cause adverse affects. Unfortunately for me, the medications we are using to control my thyroid and get it back into remission are contraindicated and have been known to cause birth defects. 

This means we have to put our transfer on hold for at least 3 months...until my thyroid is back in check. Then I'll be able to switch to a safer medication and transfer our little embryo. 

As frustrated and disappointed as I initially felt, I want to give this little embrie baby its best chance and that means waiting until momma is completely healthy. 

I'm looking for the silver lining and determined to see the positive. 

We are going to make the most of these next few months...enjoy our littles and soak up this time as a family of 5 before we get to hopefully add another little to our bunch! 

Sushi may be out (too high in iodine) but wine is A-OK! 😉 

Thank you for all the love, support, and messages. 

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