Monday, January 29, 2018

Update on FET...

Last week I posted about our upcoming FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) and was so touched by the overwhelming response. The love, support, and prayers are incredible. I wish there was a way to adequately express my gratitude. 

When you open up about something so personal and intimate, it's really scary and you never know how it will be received. Every message, email, comment, and text were read and so appreciated.

I also wanted to thank those of you who trusted me enough to share your own personal struggle with infertility. I know how hard it is and feel honored that you felt safe enough to share it with me. 

Today we met with our REI (Reproductive to go over the results of all our tests and make a game plan for our FET. 

The one factor in question is my thyroid. I have hyperthyroidism but it goes into remission during my pregnancies and while nursing. I just weaned Bea and right on TSH levels are off. 

With that in mind, we are looking at a March transfer...around St. Patrick's Day. Hoping we have the luck of the Irish on our side. 😉

Every time we walk into Reproductive Partners and meet with Dr. Huang, it's as if he lifts a huge weight off my shoulders. It's no longer my problem. My infertility becomes his infertility. My stress melts away and I can breathe. 

This next month will consist of more tests...more blood, a saline ultra sound, and a trial transfer. Then starting in March, we will start estrogen pills, progesterone shots, more blood, more ultrasounds, then our transfer. 

It's exciting and scary and incredible and amazing. This is exactly how Drew and Bea started. That in itself is mind blowing. 

This next month, I'm going to eat all the sushi and drink lots of wine. Because I am looking optimistically ahead and as Andrew perfectly stated, "Hopefully you won't be able to have any of this for 40 weeks!"


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