Saturday, March 21, 2015

Happy Half Birthday My Sweet Boy

Today my sweet little Drew turns 6 months old! Wow. I cannot believe how fast these past 6 months have flown by. I literally blinked and it's been half of a year. It makes me so incredibly sad but at the same very happy and thankful for all the love, laughter, and straight up craziness this baby boy has brought to our little family.

Being Drew's momma is truly an adventure. He is a wild one! Never a dull moment in the Vidovich household now that Mr. Drew is here. He is all boy. Drew is a mover and a groover. There is no down time with this little guy. He is hilarious, loving, snuggly, feisty, and most of the time the happiest baby boy.

Over the past month, Drew began sleeping in his crib in his OWN room (mom cried her eyes out for the first two nights), started eating solids (see homemade baby food post here), became an expert roller (front to back & back to front), an awesome pivoter, and has started scooting! Mind you, the scoot is a bit of a face hop...his feet move like crazy but his arms tend to get stuck making him look like a cartoon character scootin face first. Lol. He has started shaking his head whenever we say, "No, no, no, no, no." And he loves singing Old McDonald.

Drew is a total love bug. He loves his sisters, Amina & Coobie! Amina is the sweetest sister and gives her brother loads of kisses which cracks him up and he loves her toes as much as his own. LOL. So weird. He also loves his pup and literally can't wait to chase Coobie Daisy around the house! He has started diving for Coobie girl! Boys. Coobs has no clue what she's in for! Our little man adores his daddy and loves playing rough with that guy. It's so cute hearing him squeal as his Daddy tickles him! And my favorite...he loves his momma. There is nothing sweeter than cuddling and kissing my baby boy. He thinks his momma is hilarious and the BEST singer. I fall more in love with him every single day.

Baby boy, I love you more than you will ever know. I am the luckiest momma in the world. Happy 1/2 Birthday Pumpkin.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. To Justine and Andrew:
    Congratulations on your newborn baby! May God bless her with abundant health and a life of love, laughter and success.
    I love you always and miss you immensely.


  3. What beautiful pictures Justine. May God bless you all with smiles and happiness.


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