For my babies, it was perfect for safe co-sleeping, traveling, and transitioning to their cribs. It created consistency and a safe environment that allowed us to transition to any location easily.
Well...I've discovered it's a must have for toddlers too!

Whether transitioning into big kid beds, traveling, or having a movie night...DockATots are a MUST!
Toddlers, just like babies, need to feel safe, secure, and snuggled to ensure a great nights sleep.
These products are tested for breathability, all natural, and 100% cotton. The built in bumpers keep littles safe from rolling off beds, and keep them feeling securely snuggled...guaranteeing a great nights sleep! What Momma doesn't want that?!
And toddlers can use the Grand DockATot up to age five! Ummm...yes, please! That's a win in my book!!!
The absolute best part can go anywhere with you! That's right, ANYWHERE! That means your little love bug has a consistent (and safe) environment wherever you go!
This makes it super duper easy to travel, spend the night out, or move!
Yup, I said move.
As we prepare to pack up and bid our home adieu, I know the transition will be easy for our little ones.
New Home, new rooms, no problem.
Cheers to new adventures and a great nights sleep!
*Disclaimer: This DockATots were gifted to me by DockATot in exchange for a review. All opinions in this post are my own.*